Шинжлэх Ухаан Технологийн Сан

Badarch G. Detrital and xenoctystic zircon ages in the Central Asian orogenic belt of Mongolia: Comparison with the Siberian craton and Gondwana // Abstracts and Excursion Guidebook for the Second International Workshop of the IGCP-480. Ulaanbaatar pp. 57-58 (co-authors: Rojas-Agramonte Y Kroner A Liu D.Y Condie K.C Donskaya T Demoux A Wingate M.T.D.).

Салбар :
Он : 2006

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Үзсэн тоо(Нийт) 82
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Татагдсан тоо(Нийт) 0
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